Michael Clarkson is one of Denver's highest profile brokers. He’s been featured in Realtor® Magazine three separate times, Denver Post, Denver Business Journal, KOA Radio, KHOW Radio, and the Colorado Radio Network. Michael is a licensed Managing Broker in Colorado and a GRI (Graduate Realtor® Institute). He is also a partner in the firm, Cash Path Real Estate LLC. Michael has an MBA in International Business from Regis University in Denver.

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Saturday, March 22, 2008

Property Flipping Seminar

I normally post the updated market information to my blog on a monthly basis, usually by the 5th of each month, for the month looking back. However, due to the mention of this blog at the CAREI/William Bronchick Property Flipping Seminar, I am reposting some highlights for readers.
As we are about 10 days from the end of March, permit me to share the links for the previous months' information:

Oh, by the way™

… if you know of someone looking for a Realtor® whose service is "Mile High" and would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and business number and I will be happy to follow up and take great care of them.



Kind regards,




Michael J. Clarkson
Broker Associate, GRI, MBA 
Work: 1.303.403.2641
Mobile: 1.303.332.6393
Fax: 1.866.723.4337
Email: mj@milehighhomehunter.com
IM: mjclarksondenver (MSN)
RE/MAX Alliance
9737 Wadsworth Parkway
Westminster, CO 80021
See who we know in common Want a signature like this?

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